Friday 28 September 2018

Boyz n da hood

D- in this clip we see ordinary school children of the 80's walking to school in their rough beaten up area. there are stray dogs everywhere, rubbish they even visit a crime scene. At school we see that despite their rough upbringing one of the children Tre is highly intelligent.
S- whilst walking through 'the hood' (a ghetto area or slum- a place of poverty) we see
many stray dogs and a lot of liter on the floor suggesting that this is a particularly poor area. not only that but the children visit a crime scene where there are bullet wholes through a poster and blood on the floor. the fact that young children or primary school ages can see that is horrific as well as the fact that its literally down their road. The school seems like your average school however there are some disturbing drawings on the wall obviously drawn by the children such as a coffin further suggesting that this place -despite being a school- isn't free from the crime on the outside.
T- the themes for this scene include violence and empathy for the characters
I- The cane is a particularly significant prop as it shows power. at first the teacher has the cane showing that she has the authority however when Tre becomes the teacher he gets given the cane passing the power over to him. 
N- There is no narration, the audience have to work out whats happening themselves rather than being told.
C- the main characters are the young group of friends - two boys and two girls- however the main character is Tre (the older boys of the group.

M- for the majority of the scene there is no music just realistic noises
C- although there is very little music at the points where there is music its parallel.
D- dietetic, its all real noises 
O- the majority of the sounds is on screen however we do hear things such as sirens and gunshots
V- there is no voice over except for at the beginning where we hear people talking whilst there is text on the screen we hear children yelling ad adults crying.
D- there is dialogue through out the clips - but not narration- so the audience understand whats happening.

S- the children particularly Tre has the most screen time
T- realistic transitions
O- chronological
P- all at a regular pace
S- gunshots

C-80's clothes
L- outdoor/ realistic lighting
M- no make up
P- the stop sign is a key prop as its a subliminal message telling people that rasism and discrimination has to literally stop
S- a ghetto hood (poor area)

1 comment:

  1. There is some music, when it dissolves from exterior into classroom. An example of dialogue. For eg Tre's diegetic dialogue 'I can do that' shows ... Good analysis you can merge camera and mise en scene together so the low angle close up of the stop sign can signify...Sp diegetic
    Good analysis.


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