Tuesday 25 September 2018

Ghost ship

D- Pink opening credits suggesting its going to be a romantic film
S- The setting is on a 1960's cruise ship where death is almost inevitable-there's no way out
T- Murder, violence and loneliness 
I- Key icons include the wine glasses as they are the first things we see fall once the wire has cut. 
N- There is no narration during this scene and the audience have to infer from context what's happening 
C- Mains characters include the little girl dressed in white), the singer (dressed in red) and the crew member who we suspiciously see winking at the singer 
T- From the camera shots at the beginning the audience think its going to be a nice, possible romantic film. However, when the camera switches shots and everything goes quite grey almost like its luring us into a false sense of security

F- There were a lot of long shots during the opening of the scene and very soft cuts. However, once the wire has killed everyone there are a lot of quick harsh cuts to show everyone dying and their dead bodies.
A- when the wire is going through the bodies we get to see a up close shot of the wire and are rushed along as it travels almost like we are the wire. This along with us seeing the 'killer' flip the lever suggests that we are going to see a lot from the antagonists point of view and that it could be their story were going to follow.

C- Passengers all dressed up. The little girl is wearing white symbolises innocence and purity suggesting that she's going to be the protagonist of the story. The singer is wearing red suggesting that she's going  to be the antagonist of the story as red has connotations of evil and danger.
L- Warm lighting at the beginning, turns cold when we see the 'killers' point of view suggesting his or hers cold Personality 
A- The main actors in this scene include the singer who we see a lot both on screen and off screen as she is creating the music that we hear as the audience and the little girl.
M- The adults- who are the ones that are inevitable going to get killed- are all dressed up and wearing a lot of makeup.
P- There are a few key props such as the wine glasses. these a re key as the are one of the first things that falls and breaks once being cut by the wire therefore showing the audience what's happened to the passengers.
S- The setting for this scene is a boat which gives the story an ominous feel once a lot of the passengers die as the boat is surrounded by water hinting to the audience that there is no way out and that the characters that are alive will be stuck on this 'death boat' for a while  
M- Romantic orchestral music- lots of strings.
C- the majority of sound we hear at the beginning is parallel (it goes along with the scene) however when the scene starts to become more ominous and mysterious the music - although it stays the same- It juxtaposes the scene.
D- all the music we hear is dietetic from the glass breaking to the live singer.
O- a lot of the music we hear comes from the performer on stage however there are moments where we can hear the music but the camera is on something's else I.e. The little girl in white or the lever.
V- no voice over
E- the music for this scene makes the atmosphere more ominous and weird making us as the audience feel more unsafe and disturbed
D- very little is being said we only hear background noises 

S- the little girl and the singer get the majority of the screen time suggesting that they are going to play main roles
T- realistic
O- everything is chronological 
P- there are only a few slow motions shots which gives a closer view to the gore we can already see
S- people getting chopped in half 

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