Tuesday 15 January 2019

The Jungle Book - Paper 2 Section A

Disney facts -
150 billion dollar business
1955 first theme park
2016 resort in china
22 oscar wins and 59 nominations
Horizontally and vertically integrated conglomerate

Disney makes around 10 films a year: Star Wars, Marvel, Live Action, Pixar

Synergy - when the interaction of two of more forces working together creates a greater effect than the sum of their individual efforts. Media synergy is the way in which different elements of a media conglomerate spork together to promote linked products across different media (CD soundtrack, diaries, toys etc.) synergy works when different elements of media conglomerate promote and create linked products.

Disney synergy - the film ‘high school musical’ promotes the soundtrack which promotes the advent calendar which promotes the dolls which all ultimately promote the film.

Key Facts:
2016 and 2017 - Disney as number 1 distributed ($301m UK theatrical revenue)
Jon Favreau produced The Jungle Book
Last film befiore Walt Disney died. He wanted to create an early 3D like effect Using cel animation/zuroxing, storyboard

A mixture between live action and animation though its though that its more live action

1967 - Desctiptive, lots of info, Narrative
2016 - intense music, fast paced, recognisable voice, darker tone

Areas of study
1) production
2)marketing, distribution
3) Technology and convergence
4)ownership (Disney) - how it impacts the film i.e earn money instead of giving it, no film festivals, reputation, better quality, successful product to build on, more synergy (theme parks)

The film imdustry

2 hour exam: 1 part/1 hour = industry/audience - film (industry), radio, video games (industry and audience)
Both questions 15 marks

A life of a film:
1) Production = Development - script written and drafted into a workable blueprint
                          Pre-production -  preparations are made for the shoot, in which cast/crew are hired
                          Production - film footage shot
                          Post-production - film edited; sound, dialogue, soundtracks, sound effects
2) Distribution = film screened for potential buyers (distributors) includes all the financial deals done to get films shown and promoted
3) Marketing = advertising the film E.G posters, apps, television interviews
4) Exhibition = how the producer get it into cinemas / Exchange = way you watch the film

Conglomerate = when two or more companies engage in a multi-industry company

Ownership = all about the different film companies owning each other and proving each other with many ideas for films and finances major companies own others (small companies) within the industry in order for more films to be produces. Types; Horizontal intergration - when the production company expands into other areas of one industry. Vertical intergration - when the production company of the means of production, distribution and exhibition of the film by the same company as they receive all of the profits

Sunday 13 January 2019

Top movies of 2018 from The Big 6

1) Incredible Box office: 1.243 billion USD (Disney), black panther Box office: 1.344 billion USD (Disney)
2) action/adventure
3) Blockbuster
4) 5
5) 11
7) romance/comedy
9)teen-adult age

Radio Revision

PSB = public service broadcast Competition is Kiss and Capital Ofcom regulates radio - three-second delay World wide, Capital (London ...