Friday 15 February 2019

How is BBC Radio 1 breakfast show reaching, targeting and encouraging audience interaction

BBC Radio 1 Breakfast show has done a great deal of improvement on their audience interaction. Unlike previous hosts, Greg James has introduced various segments into the show that have improved its ways to interact with their audience which has unlimatly improved their amount of views.

Since taking over the Radio 1 Breakfast show from Nick Grimshaw, Greg James has Boosted the shows views by 240,000 bringing with him some increasingly popular segments, this includes; pass the pasty, unpopular opinions, 10 min takeover. As well as giving listeners 30 seconds to text the song title and artist to them. All these things have conclusively not only increased the shows views but has made it more fun for audience members to listen to on their commute to work.

‘Pass the Pasty’ involved getting a cornish pasty (where a pasty is origannly from) to Scotland for someone who has never tasted one before. This originated due to a woman named Sarah Last, living in Aberdeenshire, confessing to Greg that she had never ate a pasty before. This was then turned into a pasty escapade to get Sarah an original Pasty. Cleverly, BBC turned this into a Pasty relay, passing the pasty from person to person. Greg kept the audince updated with the process. This resulted in a astronomical amount of audince interaction as the fans listened and joined in.

Another popular segment includes ‘unpopular opinions’ a segment is where a few people get selected to share this unpopular opinion. this has previously included “a hotdog is just a sandwich”, “David Beckham is not Gods gift to women.” This gives the audience to share their ‘unpopular opinions’ with the rest of the audience and Greg James himself. Along with that Greg has shared some of his ‘unpopular opinions’ again making it seem more of a friendly chat rather than a one-sided conversation.

Not only has Greg James bought new segments to Radio 1 breakfast but he has also bought various prize wining and voting to the show again expanded the shows amount of views and have knocked down the wall between the audience and the show. The show now has more of a talkative, gossipy, relaxed tone to it therefore creating a more friendly tone.

Overall, BBC Radio 1 with Greg James has greatly improved in terms of encouraging audience interaction by introducing new segments to the show and ultimatly creating a more happy, friendly atmosphere for the show.

1 comment:

  1. This is excellent on how Greg James is interacting and entertaining his audience, what about all the ways that audiences can listen and when. What about social media, posting comments etc. These areas deserve another couple of paragraphs.


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