Tuesday 28 January 2020

How are different social groups represented in the sequence you have studied? What role does the use of media language, signs and signifiers have in constructing and presenting these representations as real?

On face value, Stranger Things (released on July 15, 2016) has minimal diversity of social groups - adults, children, as well as the different social groups in high school including; Populars, Jocks, Good-Ats, Brains, "normals", Nerds, and loners. The majority of these basic stereotypes are represented in Stranger Things episode one. However, there are some contradictories to these basic stereotypes. 

Mike and his group of friends, Dustin and Lucas, defy their nerdy stereotype. While nerds are typically depicted in films as the 'loser' as well as being a homebody, the "party" stand up to the stereotypes by being adventurous characters. Despite still being considered "nerds" by playing iconic 80s games such as Dungeons and Dragons as well as being picked on by the bullies of the school, the "party" break free from their cliche depictions.

Another character that contradicts stereotypes is Eleven. She is an androgynous character that disputes the cliches of gender representation. By her gender initially is unclear to the audience it challenges 80s stereotypes and adds contrast to the other more stereotypical characters. To modern audiences, diversity of representations is expected and wanted from a TV drama, therefore, making other characters such as Karen Wheeler and Steve Harrington more digestible to the audience.

Contradictory to that, one could argue that there is a lack of social groups represented in that all the characters fit into certain categories. Karen Wheeler is an archetypal, 80s, stay-at-home mum, with very little involvement with her children and husbands lives other than doing the cooking and cleaning. Therefore, there could be some lacks in the representation of social groups. However, Joyce then contravenes the stereotype by being a working, single parent showing that for every stereotype in Stranger Things there is a contradiction to disobey 80s cliches. 

In conclusion, there is a somewhat diverse range of social groups represented in Stranger Things. While some characters can be categorised into specific stereotypes, others subvert the rules of typicality.  

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