Friday 16 November 2018

How does your chosen newspaper represent the issue?
This newspaper makes the issue (the issue being the 2007 riots) more melicious than it actually was. They Hide the persons face and purposely make them more menacing than they should. For all we know this person was just passing by however by not being able to see their facial expression due to being turned away and covered it elevates the devastation in this photo. As well as that the person passing is carrying a drinks bottle which could suggest that he’s just passing through his neighbourhood and this is the normal thing he sees on the streets proposing that it has become a casual event affecting peoples lives which makes this image more saddening as we feel more sympathy.

How does the selection of images and language shape and influence the audience?
The single image to the story brings a lot of attention due to the bright flames which we are immediately drawn to. However, a closer look allows us to deduce the image more and read more into it-doing this allows us to see the devastation which makes us want to read more and find out the story especially as its in our own country which makes it closer to home. However like an average newspapers there are smaller images promoting smaller stories which are also bold and bright which a reader might want to look at.

What is the cumulative effect of these “repeated patterns of representation over long
We, being the audience, begin to think that all areas of London are ‘dodgy’ and that anybody living in a stereotypical rough area is altomatically a criminal as well as having rasial connertations.

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