Monday 19 November 2018

Newspaper industries student research
1) In the Executive Summary, paragraph 4 the overview identifies that: ‘today’s aggregate advertising expenditure and net circulation figures equate to about half of their 2007 value.’ Bullet point why you think this is the case.
Amount of Advertising has halved since 2007 because:
- More expensive
- decreasing revenue
- Harder to find people who can advertise your industry

2)On page 7, the market structure is analysed using data provided by the ABC. Who are the ABC and why is their data collection so important for newspaper owners and advertisers?

The ABC “delivers industry-agreed standards for media brand measurement across print, digital and events”

3) On page 17, paragraph 2.14 the overview identifies the circulation figures of Sunday newspapers. Thinking do you think Sunday newspapers have traditionally sold more copies than their daily counterparts? about your set  products and audience consumption, why?

I think that all Sunday newspapers typically sell more compared to other days of the weeks due to more poeple having free time to actually ready and buy it due to not working

4) What are the leading broadsheet, tabloid and mid-market tabloids in terms of circulation? What are their daily circulation figures?
The lead Broadsheet = The guardian at 1884
The lead Tabloid = The Sun (the top newspaper overall) at 3417
The lead mid-market = Daily Mail at 2974.

5) Think about The Guardian and the daily mail - describe their position in the market place.

The Guardian and The daily mail both concentrate on more global news for the public including politics (hard news) which are stereo-typically for a upper class citizen suggesting that they are more sophisticated. However, The Daily Mail is much more popular than the guardian possible because it also contains some soft news which can be an easier read. 

6) The Guardian is 'owned by Scott Trust, a private company whose core purpose is 'to unsure the financial and editorial independence of  The Guardian.' How can this be linked with the news values of the newspaper? 

The news values are CUPPTUNE (Continuity, Unexpectedness, Personalisation, Proximity, Threshold, Unambiguous, Negativity and Elite Persons) all these things are important in order to appeal to their targeting audience. 
7) In terms of digital distribution, what do you think has been more important to the brand identity of national newspapers, the online website or app mobile platforms? Why/How?                                       I feel that mobile app platforms have been more important to digital distribution as having a news app it much easier to access as well as providing live notifications making it more efficient. Not only that but due to mobile apps constantly being there it is less likely to forget about news updates. Overall making it a better choice and a more popular choice.

8) A lack of 'trust' in newspapers is identified. Why do you think this is?  

The UK has by far the least trusted “written press”of any European country, according to the survey. Its net trust score is minus 51, which is the percentage points difference between those who tend to trust the written press versus those who do not. In the UK people trust social networking more to gather their news rather than a newspaper and trust TV news even more. This could be because TV news is live and therefore more trustful and cannot be edited as much as well as that due to social media being a huge part of this generation we are almost forced into believe the things we here online. However, Newspapers can be edited and bias. 

The independent press standards organisation are the regulators 

The Independent Press Standards Organisations (IPSO) are the regulators for most of the UK's newspapers and magazines. They hold newspapers and magazines to account for their actions, protect individual rights, uphold high standards of journalism and maintain freedom of expression for the press. They make sure that member newspapers and magazines follow the editors code.

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