Friday 26 April 2019

Titanium - David Guetta ft. Sia

Context -
Written and released by Sia, David Guetta, Giorgio Tuinfort and Afrokack in 2011
It’s a ballad which draws from the genres of house and urban-dance
The songs lyrics are about inner strength and not being knocked down by everyday things
The songs accompanying music video premiered in December 21, 2011 but does not feature David Guetta or Sia. Instead, the video focuses.on a young body, played by Ryan Lee, with supernatural powers
Directed by David Wilson. 

Exam -
10 mark question = 15 minutes
25 mark question = 30 minutes writing

Themes - 
Special powers
Puberty affecting body and mind
Inner strength
Standing up for what is right/what you believe in
Adults vs children 

D: describe - 
S:  setting - schools hallway, sub-urban town, a house, the forest. Looks like North America or Canada during winter
T:  themes - supernatural, special powers, puberty, inner strength, standing up for what is right/ what you believe in, adult vs children, isolation
I: icons or props - teddy bear, papers, backpack, papers, guns, keys 
N:  narrative -
C:  characters - Police, teacher, The boy (Ryan Lee)
T:  textual analysis - 

S: screen time - Boy (Ryan Lee) whole film
T: transitions - short and quick. Realistic  
O: order of narrative - chronological, through the day
P: pace - slow motions shots (walking through doors, teacher yelling, ladies running, door opening), fast forward bike ride 
S: specials effects - explosion at the end, flying toys, keys

G: genre - Sc-fi, Action 
I: instruments - percussion, synth, vocals
L: lyrics - 
E: emotions - 

Wednesday 24 April 2019

Stop Where You Are - Corinne Bailey Rae

Came out April 2016 and was part of her album ‘The Heart Speaks in whispers’

Background Knowledge - 
She was a bright and young artist such as Emily Sande
Her music was a hybrid genre of soul/pop, with a strong British presence 
In 2008, her husband died of an accidental overdose of methadone and alcohol. It took her a long time to emerge from greiving process
She channeled he emotions into her music, and much of her music is influenced by her experience

What she said about her song - “Stop Where You Are” Is about being present, stopping and celebrating what’s happening right at this very moment. 

D - disability: none
R - regionalism: open to interpretation 
C - class: working class
A - age: majority younger age
G - gender: majority females but males are also included. Andgroionous genders. Ambiguous 
E - ethnicity: multiple ethnicities
S - sexuality: un-explicit 
The dogs breed (Pitball) is considered to be a dangerous and violent breed so even including that breed and then him and his owner hugging shows that you cant judge a book by his character. All the characters have a bad stereotype about them, making them seem intimidating or scary when actuall they are all people 

The artist: very angelic and god-like. Could be considered patronising for the other people in the video.
The setting: bland, dull and gray. Open to interpretation.
The themes: stereotypes, appearance vs reality, judgement, Carpe Diem 

Camera - 
F: lots of long shots
A: low angels  on here (looking up on here) looking down on the homeless woman 
M: slow motion shot when chorus starts to go worth the meaning of the song i.e seize the day

Mise En Scene - 
C: Red (love or danger), flowing, angelic 
L: natural lighting 
M: simple and natural

Sound - 

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Music Videos - This is America

F - frame: slow and smooth panning, following him
A - angle: lots of wide angels to capture full background
M - movement: smooth movements 

Mise en scene:
C - costume: 
L - lighting:
A - actors:
M - makeup:
P - props:
S - setting:

S - screen time
T - transitions
O - order of narrative
P - pace
S - special effects

1. How is this video commenting on historical, social, cultural, and political issues? 
- references to general black history and culture i.e gospels and theif music. Violence has straightforward shock and is deliberate suggesting we should be outraged/disgusted by the heir=storical contemporary persecution of black people in America. There’s a juxtaposition between the mesmerising tension, shocking violence and the dancing.
2. What is the role of Glover in the video? 
- takes you from scene to scene. He represents all of America, he is not the one shooting people or trying to represent white people but just generally America and shows the racist history and how it affects us now.
3.  How does this promote him as an artist?
- its shows that he values equality and is a strong member in the ‘Black Lives Matter’ campeign
4. In the opening scenes Glover uses grotesque smiles and exaggerated poses, why?
- commenting on racism in the minstrel (entertainment) era.  He acts cartoonish and grotesque signifying the way black people were portrayed to white audiences in that time.
5. Guns VS black lives - what representation is constructed here?
- Black lives matter campeign. Guns are treated with more respected than black lives. The gun is taken carefully in a silver sheet and taken care of however, the corpse is dragged off and immediatly disregarded. 
6. What is the significance of the choir?
- brining the spirit and cultural aspects, shocking when they get shot. A direct reference to the 2015 Charleston, South Carolina massacre in which white supermacist Dylan roof opened fire on a black church.
7. Camera pan to black men on mobiles? What is the significance of this?
- recording everything, it refers to the case of Stephon Clark, shot dead just weeks ago (now 23rd April 2019) for supposedly having a gun on him when all he had was an iPhone. 
8. Why the white horse in the background of the fame?
- biblical reference, revelations 6:8 (KJV)
9. Juxtaposition of dancing and violence, why?
- stereotypical “american” dances mixed with tribal music. Several popular dances in America and African. Could suggest that people will happily adopt black culture but will ignore all the violence and destruction 
10. What is the empty cars and burning police car signify?
- amount of crime and riots 
11. What is the significance of 17 seconds silence?
- Showing respect to the 17 people died in a school shooting in Florida
12. What is the intertextual reference in the closing scene?
- refers to the movies ‘get oput’ 

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Shelter Essay

Analyse how social and cultural contexts can influence advertising. Use the Shelter advert to support your answer.  [15 marks]
In your answer you must:  
> Analyse how social and cultural contexts influences advertising 
> make judgements and reach a conclusion on why they advertised in this way

The shelter advert consists of three close up faces there is a lack of diversity both socially and culturally. In this advert there is a lack of culturalization represented. Consequently, this can be both a good and bad thing - people don’t stereotype homeless people or they want to go with a stereotypical white person, possible to appeal to the typical British citizen. The poeple used look ‘average’ and don’t look scruffy and dirty as people assume homeless people are therefore going against the cliche. This. Causes people to realise that homelessness can happen to anyone and isn’t specific to certain types of people. Overall, the people featured in the advert are ethnically diverse, however it is not obvious. 
As well as that, all the people used are adults possible causeing more of an emotional attachment due to being more relatable. They may feel that seeing someone the same age as them might help them realise that all of this may happen to them.
The colour scheme of this advert is very basic - red, white and black. It is dark yet simple with the colour scheme which connotations a sense of seriousness about the issue and shows that homelessness isn’t a joke or to be taken lightly.
Altogether, this advert creates a very serious tone when expressing the solemninity of homelessness. Like most adverts today there is an emotional attachment created when viewing emotive posters. Most adverts are relatable on some kind of levels which makes people want to donate and support them. 

Tuesday 2 April 2019


Set texts - Old Spice, Shelter, Lucozade

What is marketing? -
> Creating Awareness
> Create Interest
> Generate Desire

The 4 P’s: Product, Price, Promotion, Place

Structural Features of a Advert:
Central image
Brand Identity

Monday 1 April 2019

Charity Advertising

Usually involves emotive language and empathy or shock

Shelter - 2011 campaign 
Founded in 1966 in London, Ken Loach’s ‘Cathy come home’ was pivotal in establishment of the charity.
They aim to help people with homelessness and bad housing. Gives advise and lobbies goverment to make changes to improve housing.
Campaign launched in 2011 to encourage people at risk of losing their home to ask for advise earlier.
Main focus of campaign is poster ads, but Facebook and mobile messaging are also used.
“It was crucial to us that the creative has the ability to shock and stand out but without resorting to gimmicks. We wanted people to empthasise, to never lose sight of the real people, the real faces impacted by the current economic and housing situation”

To campaign
To provide information

The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness of homelessness arising in todays society, especially with the recession and the current climate, which is relatable to many people in todays society because it coincides with the issue of debt which people are faced with.
Some of the slogans used to really catch the eye of the reader include, ‘but where we will live?’ This is a good clear message which gets the information across in a direct manner as this could happen to anyone.

1 in every 200 people are homeless. In Britain the homeless count was around 320,000 at the beginning of 2018.

Generic Codes & Conventions of Charity Ads
>The creation of sympathy for the subject of the charity (use facts and statistics)
>The creation of empathy for the subject of the charity (use images - how would you feel if you were in their shoes?)
>Shock - makes you feel that you have to contribute to the charitable cause (disturbing images)
>Charity name/logo
>image of victim maybe isolated
>Sombre mode of address
>Use of colour associates with brand
>Web address

Radio Revision

PSB = public service broadcast Competition is Kiss and Capital Ofcom regulates radio - three-second delay World wide, Capital (London ...